Trend Research
Discovering the New. Establishing Connections. Recognizing
Birgit Gebhardt honed her trend research methods over twelve
years at the Trendbüro under Prof. Peter Wippermann, applying
them as a project manager and later as managing director.
Since 2012, she has been independently tracking societal
changes, visiting pioneers and events, interviewing experts
from academia and industry, and analyzing trend developments
across various sectors and countries.
The insights gained are considered in conjunction with
parallel developments in a broader context and evaluated for
their potential through extensive media and study research. A
transdisciplinary network and active committee work support
her multi-perspective approach.
From 2012 to 2015, Birgit Gebhardt was a member of the expert
commission of the Bertelsmann Foundation, focusing on "Work
and Life Perspectives in Germany." She is a member of XING's
"New Work" ideas lab and serves on the scientific advisory
board of the Liechtenstein Foundation
A key focus is on new models of interconnected business and
work, which Birgit Gebhardt researches on behalf of IBA e.V.
(Industrial Association for Office and Work Environment).